Sue Werry

Sue Werry

After 10 years of teaching student teachers at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, I am very pleased to be working  at The Ole Schoolhouse. While I loved my work with my students, seeing them grow from nervous first years to competent beginning teachers, I found that I missed being with children. I have been a teacher for a very long time, teaching at every level – early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary.

But as my four grandchildren have arrived, they have shown me again and again what I already knew, teaching in an early childhood centre is the most rewarding and important work I can do.  Coming to The Ole Schoolhouse has been a very easy transition.  Through my research and work as a visiting lecturer I already knew several of the teachers and I am enjoying now becoming their colleague. Two areas of interest for me are how to ensure whanau and family voice are in my learning stories  and then use this knowledge about children’s interests and family aspirations in my planning and to support children to become involved in inquiries and projects.

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