Quality Care
Quality Care

Ole Schoolhouse Garden
The Ole Schoolhouse is a homely childcare where children up to the age of six and their parents/caregivers can share in programs and activities designed to give children a healthy and strong foundation.
We bring together in one location early learning and information about children’s services and programmes in the community. If you have questions about your child’s development, or want to know how to obtain information or services for your child aged birth to six years in Rotorua, please call or email us.
Childcare and education
Babies from 3 to 18 months
We nurture a caring and stimulating environment for babies. Using movement, sound, colour and touch babies are encouraged to explore, develop and above all, enjoy their ‘second home’. Early communication is encouraged through the effective use of baby sign language.
We strive to mirror the feeding habits, nappy change and sleep routines used at home. This is made possible through regular contact with key carers. Babies enjoy a dedicated ‘baby outdoor area’, home-made healthy nursery food and bottle feeds provided by dedicated baby staff. The Ole Schoolhouse is a breast-feeding friendly centre.[/expand]
Toddlers from 18 to 36 months
Every activity in the toddler area is considered a learning opportunity. Activities vary hugely and are above all fun and stimulating. Toddlers are encouraged to enjoy early maths concepts, develop their language skills, discover creative play and learn to relax at mat time. Staff work closely with families to help with potty training and to ensure that sleep/rest routines reflect those at home. Toddlers have the advantage of regular interaction with older children as well as their peers. A teacher is dedicated to the transition of toddlers to the preschool area and two and three year-olds share in classes and activities dedicated to their needs.
Preschool from 3 to 5 years
A key aim within the preschool area is to ensure that children are ready for mainstream school. Our structured programme of activities is rich and varied, embracing early literacy and numeracy skills and fostering a love of learning and exploration. Four year-olds enjoy transition to school classes and other activities designed specially for them. We organise regular excursions into the community along with visits to the theatre, museum and other local cultural organisations. At the Ole Schoolhouse we strive to build confident and independent learners who draw on a fundamental sense of well-being and belonging. This is rooted in principles of social justice and the rights of the child.